Sunday, June 19, 2011

I'm almost there.

Yes i am almost there. Months from now i'll be a Medical Technology intern,

and i"ll be graduating soon :)

The days passed by so fast, let me share you some of my unforgettable moments as a 3rd year Medical Technology Student :)

Gram Positive Staphylococcus aureus
 from my classmate's pimple.

Let me start with the face wrecking MICROBIOLOGY; literally face wrecking because every laboratory period we come in close contact with LOTS of bacteria particularly Staphylococcus aureus which causes pimples.

From all the laboratory classes i had (can't count them all coz they're too many) i enjoyed MICRO lab the most in spite of the fact that every lab period i go home with another pimple popping out my forehead.
Several antibiotic discs
were tested against E.coli
Culture, Identification and Sensitivity are the 3 most important things i learned from the subject, these things are important in identifying unknown diseases caused by unknown microorganisms.

With the help of microbiology we can artificially grow bacteria and perform laboratory tests necessary in the identification of the bacteria type or even up to its specie name. Once the microorganism is already identified it would be easy to find a drug that can kill it through antibiotic sensitivity testing.

Now let us talk about the appetite destroying PARASITOLOGY that makes me imagine my favorite spaghetti as a bolus of Ascaris lumbricoides.

Human Whip worm or Trichuris trichiura
 from a 5 year old kid
When we were still in the lower years i hate it when the teacher tells us to wear the complete PPE or personal protective equipment, i always say : "why do i need to wear a mask and hairnet?" it is because during those lab periods we don't come into close contact with biological hazards.

What is funny is when parasitology lab came, we all wore the needed PPE; from the laboratory gown (buttons all closed), mask (doubled and sometimes even tripled with handkerchief), gloves and hairnet (hair even tied up and clipped).

 If you are still wondering WHAT is the CAUSE OF THIS SUDDEN CHANGE I'll answer you with a question, DO YOU WANT YOUR HAIR or YOUR SKIN to come in contact with POOP? LOL XD.

 Yes. poop. Every lab period we are poking and observing sh*t. Not only because it is nasty to get poop in your hair or skin, the poop we are handling are pathologic ones. These samples came from persons with parasites on their stomachs.

HELL weeks. 
We usually call the "exam week" as "hell week", this is one of the most depressing part of being a student. Major exams.Long Tests. Requirements ; things that make us students stay up late or even sometimes deprives us from sleeping.

I have experienced going to school without sleep at all. I remember that it is because i have to finish a requirement; i am not the kind of student that likes to rush things and do projects the last minute before submission. During that time there is a misunderstanding between us and the professor. We were not informed about the requirement, we just knew about it the night before the day of submission. STRESSFUL huh? 

"My 3rd Blood Donation"

Lets forget about the stressful things and talk about happy moments :))

If i'll be asked what is the most fulfilling thing i did during my 3rd year in this course i'll be proud to say that "I DONATED BLOOD". 

For me, donating blood is like giving life.Giving some of my blood is my own way of thanking God the father for the good health condition i have and all the blessings i receive, its like paying him back; God will me so much happy if he see's us (his children) care for others.

Check out my blog about blog donation :) just click on the link. HELP SAVE LIVES

There are still a lot more to share but i cant type it all. 
Everyone says that Third year is the hardest part(in our course). It's actually true, i couldn't agree more. But i do believe that GOD will never let us be in a situation that he knows we can't handle. To all those who are struggling in their studies just believe in yourself. Do it. Never hesitate and doubt your abilities. I believe that in reaching your dreams you don't have to be super smart, you just have to be hardworking. Do everything with your best effort and don't forget to ask God's guidance. You will surely make it till the end.

-Stay positive. That is how i see life. I hope you enjoyed reading :) God bless :)

Philippians 4:13

New International Version (NIV)
13 I can do all this through him who gives me strength.