Friday, April 29, 2011

Happily Ever After.

The Royal Wedding
Prince William & Kate Middleton

Millions of people all over the world watched the coverage of the so called "wedding of the century"(including me and my family), The couple's wedding is truly now a part of HISTORY. 

"newly wed couple"

 1 Corinthians 13:4-7

Love is patient, love is kind.
It does not envy.
Love is never boastful, nor conceited, nor rude;
It is not self-seeking, nor easily angered.
It keeps no record of wrongdoing.
It does not delight in evil,
But rejoices in the truth.
It always protects, trusts, hopes, and preserves.
There is nothing love cannot face;
There is no limit to its faith, hope, and endurance.
In a word, there are three things that last forever:
Faith, hope, and love;
But the greatest of them all is love.

Love will make their promise last FOREVER.

The fairy tale like wedding was a blast! a lot of people made their efforts to personally witness the balcony wedding kiss. (i wish i was there too)

"the most awaited Royal Wedding kiss"

 Ephesians 5:31
For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall be joined unto his wife, and they two shall be one flesh.

 We should always be reminded that marriage is not about the fabulous celebration and expensive gifts, it's about how two individuals will be joined as one by their love.

Corinthians 13:7-8
Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never ends.

Love that will never fade.Love that will never end.Love that is willing to make sacrifices.
 A promise witnessed by GOD. A promise that will never end.


I always dreamed of being a photographer, thats why when we had "Photography" as our lesson in ART APPRECIATION i felt the rush of excitement! i told myself that this is it! this is exactly what i enjoy most, TAKING PICTURES :)) after the teacher explained everything that we have to do i texted a friend who's good in photography to give me a hand. :) so here are the photos we took :))

" Unnoticed "

" Time to Think "

" Occupied "

" City Life "

" Used "

Photo Credits :
Photos taken by : Nowiena Joyce Serrano & Oliver Nico Macaspac
Photos edited by : Nowiena Joyce Serrano
NIKON D90 ( Oliver Nico Macaspac )

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Time to think. Time to reflect

"Time to think. Time to reflect"

In spite of the hectic schedule we have, we should always spare a time to reflect. Forget about all the problems and trouble that we face. Reflect and have a solo time with God.

Reflect and see how blessed and loved we are.

  • The mere fact that we are created by God is truly a wonderful blessing.
  • Waking up each morning is God's daily gift to us.
  • Having family and friends beside us no matter what.
Those were just some of all the blessings that we have. we just have to learn how to appreciate and be thankful.

Matthew 6:19-20
"Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal.

We are here on earth to be fruitful. not in a way that we have all the riches and the things we want.Fruitful in a way that we are worth to be creations of GOD, worth to be living in this wonderful life God has given us and Good enough to receive his blessings.

Work hard and Be good. Be thankful in whatever you receive. If you have too much, share it to others because you can't bring those after death. If you have little, be contented and never doubt God. Instead, work harder.pray harder.

1 Thessalonians 5:16-18
Be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus.

God knows what is best for us. He will never let us be in a situation He knows we can't handle.Always remember that the treasures that you'll gain in helping others and following the teachings of God are the treasures that you'll keep forever.

"What we are is God's gift to us.  What we become is our gift to God. " ~Eleanor Powell

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

It's a "no smoking sign". Can't you see?

According to the studies made by the World Health Organization (WHO) 
  • Every cigarette smoked cuts at least five minutes of life on average .
  • Smoking is the single largest preventable cause of disease and premature death. It is a prime factor in heart disease, stroke and chronic lung disease. It can cause cancer of the lungs, larynx, esophagus, mouth, and bladder, and contributes to cancer of the cervix, pancreas, and kidneys.
  • More than 4,000 toxic or carcinogenic chemicals have been found in tobacco smoke.

"Smoking does not only harm yourself but also the others who inhaled the smoke"

 When tobacco smoke permeates any environment and is inhaled by people within that place that is called "passive smoking" or popularly known as "second hand smoke". 

Scientific studies done by different health organizations prove that second hand smoke is more dangerous than smoking and that exposure to secondhand tobacco smoke causes disease, disability, and death.

 Just by being near someone smoking a few cigarettes a day is almost like being a light smoker yourself.

This became a big public issue which led the politicians to make laws about smoking bans in public places. Last 2009 LTFRB made a memorandum requiring all public utility vehicles and public transportation terminals to be 100% smoke free.

The policy aims to promote a healthful environment that will protect the public from second hand smoke.

 Smoke free environment and less health risks.Looks great right? but doesn't seem EASY.

This morning while i was on my way to SM Clark i noticed that there's cigarette smoke coming from the front seat of the jeepney.

It was actually from the driver. 

Not only that he's exposing his passengers to health dangers, he's also unaware that the gasoline near his leg is highly flammable and may cause fire if ignited by the cigarette he's holding.

I'll consider the possibility that he's tired and just wants to relax himself by smoking, but that doesn't make him EXCUSED.

For sure he knows that smoking is highly prohibited in public places which includes his very own jeepney.

 He's so aware that he even placed an LTFRB no smoking sticker just in front of him and on the back of his seat.

The LTFRB requires all public utility vehicle drivers to put a sticker on their jeepneys so that the passengers will be aware of the said memorandum. 

Yes, the passengers are aware. We are actually the ones who suffer! the jeepney drivers who placed the "no smoking sticker", the drivers that are responsible of reminding the passengers to comply with the law are the ones who are actually violating it!  i suddenly jumped into conclusion that they did follow the requirement of having a "no smoking sticker" just for the sake of following, not because they are concerned.

maybe if the sticker could just talk he'll probably shout on the driver's face saying: can't you see me?!?

I believe we don't need such reminders, All we need is a little concern. If we care with other person's life, do you think we are going to do something that might possibly harm them? I think not.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Help Save Lives.

In spite of all the modernization and fast innovations of technology in the medical field there's still one thing inventors and scientists can't figure out; making ARTIFICIAL BLOOD. Good thing blood can be collected from generous donors :) I consider donors as MODERN HEROES who are willing to share an amount of their blood and spend time in order to prolong and save someone's life.

Society of Future Medical Technologists
 Blood Letting Program
Why donate blood?
- simply to help others. 

-Personally, as a blood donor, giving blood to others is fulfilling, knowing that just by giving blood you are actually making a difference to someone's life. Yes he/she may be a stranger, you may not personally know him, but will it not be wonderful if you know you saved someone from death?

Deuteronomy 16:17Every man shall give as he is able, according to the blessing of the LORD your God which He has given you.

-As an individual blessed by the LORD with good health, we are responsible in helping others. Our life was indeed a blessing given by the LORD, therefore we should not hesitate to share our life/blood to our brothers/sister who are in need of it. Just by lying down and waiting for your blood to fill the bag you are actually giving hope.

The approximate distribution of blood types in the Philippines population is as follows :

O Rh-positive --- 44-46 percent
A Rh-positive --- 22-23 percent
B Rh-positive --- 24-25 percent
AB Rh-positive --- 4-6 percent
Rh-negative group --- Less than 1 percent

The rarer your blood type is, the more you should be encouraged to donate.Blood Donation is not about the freebies you'll get or the personal joy you'll have because you surpassed the scary needle.



What are the requirements to become a blood donor?

  • minimum weight of 110 lbs. or 50 kgs.
  • Blood pressure: between 90 and 160 systolic and 60 and 100 diastolic
  • Pulse rate: 60 to 100 beats/ minute (regular rhythm)
  • Hemoglobin : at least 125 g/L
  • At least 18 years of age, (17 y/o can donate as long as there is parent consent)
  • at least 8 hours of sleep

Is it safe to donate blood?
-YES. Donating blood i s a safe opportunity in sharing the gift of life. Needles used in the donation process are sterile and are not reused.
- As part of the process you'll be asked to answer a donor form, this form contains questions with your health history, all of the information you'll share must be 100% true (there's nothing to worry, it will be highly confidential). After that, your weight, pulse rate and blood pressure will be checked, the attending medical technologist will also collect a small amount of your blood to check  your blood type and hemoglobin level. 

As long as you are in good health there's nothing to worry about :)

What are the reasons why a person cannot donate blood?

  • Temporary conditions:
    • pregnancy
    • fever
      • including cough, flu and sore throat
    • recent alcohol intake
      • must not have alcohol intake within 24 hours prior to donation
    • tattooing or body piercing
      • As long as the tattooing procedure was done in a sterile manner, the person may donate blood one year after the procedure. The same applies with ear piercing, acupuncture, and other procedures involving needles.
    • tooth extraction
      • temporarily deferred for a year.
    • anemia
      • this condition may temporarily defer you from donating blood, but once your hemoglobin level is in the acceptable range you could then donate blood.
    • medication
      •  must not take aspirin or aspirin products 36 hours prior to the donation.
    • high blood pressure
    • blood transfusion
      • temporarily deferred for a year
  • Conditions that will not allow you to donate permanently:
    • Hepatitis B or C infection.
    •  HIV infection.
    •  Having sexual contact with a person infected with HIV
    •  Having multiple sex partners/ patronizing sex workers
    • Serious chronic illness (heart and lung diseases)
    • unexplained weight loss of more than 5kg. over 6 months
    • chronic alcoholism

 How long does it take to donate blood?

  • it basically depends on how many are donating blood. Of course you'll have to wait for your turn. (lets say an average of 25 minutes if you are the only donor)

During Blood Donation: 
  • the process will be done by a skilled phlebotomist.
  • 450 ml will be collected (while you are lying down on a bed)

After Blood Donation
  • the donor will be advised to rest for about 30 minutes.
  • drink more fluids

Now, who receives the blood?
  • persons with leukemia, hemophilia, etc. (blood related diseases)
  • persons with severe blood loss
  • mothers giving birth (complications)
  • transplant patients
  • major trauma patients

Once you donated blood, you'll surely feel the urge to donate again because the fulfillment and joy that you'll feel. The minimum interval between 2 donations is 3 months

Why? to allow your body to restore the iron stock.

Proverbs 3:27 
Do not withhold good from those to whom it is due, when it is in your power to do it.

If you are blessed with good health and is capable of helping others, 
Do it. Think of what would Jesus do.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

keep the FIRE burning

 No matter how hard life is, 
Keep the fire burning. 
Never let the hardships of life ruin your faith. 
GOD won't let us be in a situation we can't handle. 

GOD loves us so much. 

John 3:16
"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life."

we should never have doubt about that.
instead of doubting,
 keep the fire burning.

 the fire will definitely lead you to GOD.
and GOD will surely light the way out.

Every kid has their own dream...

They know what they want.They know why they want it.They dream to become somebody to help others.

They don’t have any idea how hard life is. That life is not only about dreaming. It’s about that sacrifices you have to make just to reach that dream you ever wanted.That is how innocent a kid is.

The sad thing is a kid’s dream mostly depends on if they’re family can afford education or not.

Rich kids get whatever they want.
Poor kids don’t even get what they need.
Rich kids play a lot of toys.
Poor kids don’t even have any.
Rich kids get a lot of food, too much that they can’t finish everything and ends up throwing it away.
Poor kids eat just for the sake of filling up an empty stomach.
Rich kids get good education. 
While most poor kids didn’t even have the chance to go to school.

I’m not saying that all rich kids are not raised well,what i'm pointing is sometimes fortunate people overlook what they have, keep on wishing for more without noticing what they have is too much and focus on what they do not have rather than thanking GOD for all the simple blessings they receive. Waking up in the morning and being able to survive a day of your life is one of the greatest blessing we receive each day. its an opportunity made by God for you to live and enjoy life. 

Education is indeed expensive and yet there are kids who are lucky to be sent on school but don’t work hard. Just imagine those kids who didn’t have the opportunity to enter school, in their very young age were forced to earn a living. and you are there, wasting all the opportunities held for you. take time to reflect and see through your heart.

 You are blessed.
Make the most out of it.
 Reach your dream.
Do it for your parents.
Make them proud.
Do it for yourself.
It’s for your own good.

On the other hand, Kids who are less fortunate should strive harder.

Jesus replied, "What is impossible with men is possible with God." Luke 18:27 (NIV)

As long as you continue dreaming and working hard it will never be impossible to make your dreams turn into reality.

2 Chronicles 15:7 "But as for you, be strong and do not give up, for your work will be rewarded."

Remember that even Jesus made a lot of sacrifices and undergone a lot of pain but in the end reached his goal of saving us.Look at each obstacle as something that would make you even stronger.Whatever hardship you are having in life never forget that GOD is on your side and will always be.

"Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight."
Proverbs 3:5-6