Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Help Save Lives.

In spite of all the modernization and fast innovations of technology in the medical field there's still one thing inventors and scientists can't figure out; making ARTIFICIAL BLOOD. Good thing blood can be collected from generous donors :) I consider donors as MODERN HEROES who are willing to share an amount of their blood and spend time in order to prolong and save someone's life.

Society of Future Medical Technologists
 Blood Letting Program
Why donate blood?
- simply to help others. 

-Personally, as a blood donor, giving blood to others is fulfilling, knowing that just by giving blood you are actually making a difference to someone's life. Yes he/she may be a stranger, you may not personally know him, but will it not be wonderful if you know you saved someone from death?

Deuteronomy 16:17Every man shall give as he is able, according to the blessing of the LORD your God which He has given you.

-As an individual blessed by the LORD with good health, we are responsible in helping others. Our life was indeed a blessing given by the LORD, therefore we should not hesitate to share our life/blood to our brothers/sister who are in need of it. Just by lying down and waiting for your blood to fill the bag you are actually giving hope.

The approximate distribution of blood types in the Philippines population is as follows :

O Rh-positive --- 44-46 percent
A Rh-positive --- 22-23 percent
B Rh-positive --- 24-25 percent
AB Rh-positive --- 4-6 percent
Rh-negative group --- Less than 1 percent

The rarer your blood type is, the more you should be encouraged to donate.Blood Donation is not about the freebies you'll get or the personal joy you'll have because you surpassed the scary needle.



What are the requirements to become a blood donor?

  • minimum weight of 110 lbs. or 50 kgs.
  • Blood pressure: between 90 and 160 systolic and 60 and 100 diastolic
  • Pulse rate: 60 to 100 beats/ minute (regular rhythm)
  • Hemoglobin : at least 125 g/L
  • At least 18 years of age, (17 y/o can donate as long as there is parent consent)
  • at least 8 hours of sleep

Is it safe to donate blood?
-YES. Donating blood i s a safe opportunity in sharing the gift of life. Needles used in the donation process are sterile and are not reused.
- As part of the process you'll be asked to answer a donor form, this form contains questions with your health history, all of the information you'll share must be 100% true (there's nothing to worry, it will be highly confidential). After that, your weight, pulse rate and blood pressure will be checked, the attending medical technologist will also collect a small amount of your blood to check  your blood type and hemoglobin level. 

As long as you are in good health there's nothing to worry about :)

What are the reasons why a person cannot donate blood?

  • Temporary conditions:
    • pregnancy
    • fever
      • including cough, flu and sore throat
    • recent alcohol intake
      • must not have alcohol intake within 24 hours prior to donation
    • tattooing or body piercing
      • As long as the tattooing procedure was done in a sterile manner, the person may donate blood one year after the procedure. The same applies with ear piercing, acupuncture, and other procedures involving needles.
    • tooth extraction
      • temporarily deferred for a year.
    • anemia
      • this condition may temporarily defer you from donating blood, but once your hemoglobin level is in the acceptable range you could then donate blood.
    • medication
      •  must not take aspirin or aspirin products 36 hours prior to the donation.
    • high blood pressure
    • blood transfusion
      • temporarily deferred for a year
  • Conditions that will not allow you to donate permanently:
    • Hepatitis B or C infection.
    •  HIV infection.
    •  Having sexual contact with a person infected with HIV
    •  Having multiple sex partners/ patronizing sex workers
    • Serious chronic illness (heart and lung diseases)
    • unexplained weight loss of more than 5kg. over 6 months
    • chronic alcoholism

 How long does it take to donate blood?

  • it basically depends on how many are donating blood. Of course you'll have to wait for your turn. (lets say an average of 25 minutes if you are the only donor)

During Blood Donation: 
  • the process will be done by a skilled phlebotomist.
  • 450 ml will be collected (while you are lying down on a bed)

After Blood Donation
  • the donor will be advised to rest for about 30 minutes.
  • drink more fluids

Now, who receives the blood?
  • persons with leukemia, hemophilia, etc. (blood related diseases)
  • persons with severe blood loss
  • mothers giving birth (complications)
  • transplant patients
  • major trauma patients

Once you donated blood, you'll surely feel the urge to donate again because the fulfillment and joy that you'll feel. The minimum interval between 2 donations is 3 months

Why? to allow your body to restore the iron stock.

Proverbs 3:27 
Do not withhold good from those to whom it is due, when it is in your power to do it.

If you are blessed with good health and is capable of helping others, 
Do it. Think of what would Jesus do.


  1. Great article Nowie,

    You have not only educated your readers about the ethical value of blood donation but have also shared the word of God and the scientific aspect of it. Way to go!K.I.U.!

    I'll share this at FB and in my blogs later. TC
