Wednesday, October 20, 2010

.Accept.Move on.Learn.

There’s always a light that will shine your way out of the darkness.

Not meant to be.
There are things in life that are really not meant to be no matter how hard you try to make it happen. All you have to do is accept it no matter how hard it is.

“Accept then move on.”

I did not include forgetting, because for me “There’s no such thing as forgetting.”

Well, people sometimes forget things or memories, but it is because those things are not that significant. Memories become significant because of 2 reasons; either the memory made you super happy or the memory made you hurt so much.

To move on, you have to first accept what the REALITY is;
That he’s your prince but you’re NOT her princess.
That you like him but he’ll NEVER gonna like you.
That you want to be with him but it’s IMPOSSIBLE.
That you like him but he likes HER and not you.
You did your best but you still FAILED.
You cant get EVERYTHING that you want.

That’s the reality. And no matter how hard you try to change that it will never happen.
because you can NEVER bring back time.

 Move on and give yourself the chance to see what is around you.
be open in trying other things, consider each opportunity you have to move on.
 Free yourself
Because if you don’t you might get hurt more than how you are hurting right now.

 Why do people need to get hurt?
People sometimes are meant to be hurt. Why? It’s like having mistakes.

"When you make mistakes you learn. When you get hurt you learn too. You become a better person. You become stronger."

Then, because you learned you don’t make the same mistakes again. 

 Making mistakes and getting hurt is a part of life.
 It’s part of growing.

"Before a tree becomes strong and sturdy it once experienced being a small weak plant. It has undergone heavy rains and the heat of the sun." 

People all experience being weak, but because of the challenges brought about by life,
"We become better and stronger individuals." 
For you not to get hurt think twice or thrice before making decisions.
 "Ask yourself is this the best for you and for everyone?"

And if you think you're right, DO IT. Always GIVE your BEST SHOT in everything you do. 
so that you wont have anything to regret.

We don't always win and get what we want. If you failed, then all you have to do is:
"Accept. Move on. Learn."
"its never too late to start over again."

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