Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Clinical Chemistry BLOG?

This afternoon we were instructed by our professor to make our own blog, its a requirement for us.
We will make a blog about our subject "Clinical Chemistry". 

The moment i heard we are required to have a blog i immediately felt the excitement ,Why? because i don't find making a blog as a requirement that would make my head ache but something to be happy about. I like writing and expressing my thoughts over twitter, Facebook and here but i think it will be more exciting to write about things you learn at school. 

Making a blog about the subject will definitely encourage each one of us not only to listen well but also to study and research on our own. Like what my professors always tell us:
 "The time alloted for the subject is limited, We can't talk and discuss about everything, you should read more books and research more at home"
And blogging is one way of making us do the research and reading. Aside from sharing my thoughts/opinions about a certain topic and to share the information to everyone i would like to totally develop my self as a person and definitely writing would help.

I admit there maybe some grammatical errors at first because i'm still learning, but i believe that in time i can be as good as the others. As the famous quotations says: "there's always a room for improvement", making mistakes is okay, you just have to learn from it.

And you always have to trust yourself and trust GOD. he's always on your side.

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